Java experimets

My first applets

Netscape users:If you are behind a firewall and have encountered a  security  exception while loading an  applet,  you should set up security preference. In MSIE applet run without exception.

Swing package
- demo html editor - download

Sun Java certify

Intersting links

How I took a developer exam
After I passed the Programmer exam for java 1.02,  I downloaded a programing assignment from a Web site that is part of Developer certification
for java 1.1. The assignment was long and complicated for me. After a few days or a week of thinking about issuses I decided to visualize the assignment. Making only sketches seemed not work. So I choose  visual modeling tool Rational Rose 98i,  which support java  and was  free for one month  evaluation.
After  reverse engineered the  code I created class diagrams for client and  server side and user interface. I added required methods and classes.  Colaboration  and sequence diagrams helped me to better understand the  client-server communication (the  behaviour and interaction of classes).   After that the coding  was  straightforward. After I completed the assignment , signed for exam and uploaded the assignment and took the Developer exam. I've passed it with score more than 90%.

E-mail: boris